B. inggris 2. The tool of tak kadal lobang game is ….

A. Golden
B. Iron
C. Wood
D. Magnet

3. How many groups are in tak kadal lobang game ? ..

A. One group
B. Two group
C. Three group
D. Four group

7. time - do - you – clothes – wash – What ?

A. Do you wash clothes what time?
B. Clothes do you time wash what?
C. What time do you wash clothes?
D. What time you do wash clothes?

8. ... you play basketball every morning?

A. Do
B. Don’t
C. Does
D. Doesn’t

9. She … tak kadal lobang game on Sundays.

A. plays
B. play
C. playing
D. played

Bantu .. ​

2. The tool of tak kadal lobang game is ….

A. Golden
B. Iron
C. Wood
D. Magnet

3. How many groups are in tak kadal lobang game ? ..

A. One group
B. Two group
C. Three group
D. Four group

7. time - do - you – clothes – wash – What ?

A. Do you wash clothes what time?
B. Clothes do you time wash what?
C. What time do you wash clothes?
D. What time you do wash clothes?

8. ... you play basketball every morning?

A. Do
B. Don’t
C. Does
D. Doesn’t

9. She … tak kadal lobang game on Sundays.

A. plays
B. play
C. playing
D. played

Bantu .. ​







maaf kalau enggak ada tulisannya dan maaf kalau salah

Om sorry
